If Jesus asked you, “What do you want me to do for you”, as He did the blind man, would you be able to answer this question, even though it seems obvious. Would you answer the question even if what you needed seemed impossible? Would you answer the question trusting and believing in Him and not your own tactics or plans? Do you even know there are things and dreams God is waiting on you to ask Him, that He is ready to do if you believe?
What I love about God, is that he is liberal to ALL who seek Him. That excites me today, because no one taught God wisdom. That is why I love how God tells Moses, I am that I am. Proverbs tells us that the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. If we ask and seek God, He will reveal to us what we need. As He reveals to us what we need, this then directs and orders our prayers. When I know God’s will for my life, I now know what scriptures to attach, which is also His will. That is why in the first epistle of John chapter five he says, if we ask anything according to HIs will, he hears us. And if we know He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we have asked of Him.
Here is what we need to meditate on this week: How much time do I spend with God listening for his purpose for my life (whether daily or long-term)? As Psalms says and as Jesus did, we must wake up early in the morning to seek God. We daily must be in God’s face for each day. We must ask Him in faith to give us wisdom for the day. Then we will know what to pray for and how to pray. What are you asking God to move, that He wants you to ask Him to give you strength? What problem are you focusing on, and God is saying just praise and worship Me and watch me make away as I did for Paul and Silas in jail.
For long-term purposes, God wants to bless you so that you can be a blessing to His kingdom. A miracle is something ONLY God can do. A lot of times, we ask God things we can figure out with our own resources, and then call it a miracle. God is sovereign and there is nothing too hard for Him. HEAR ME, there is nothing too hard for Him. With God all things are possible. In John 14 Jesus said we will make our home with him. You have been given authority and the greatest power in the world lives in you in the person of the Holy Spirit. So, when you ask, BELIEVE. Do not doubt, that is just a trick of the enemy. God wants you to trust Him for that promotion, to trust Him to use you to heal someone, to trust Him to speak those things that are not as though they were, to trust Him to forgive and love unconditionally, and to trust Him for anything and everything else. There is a book in you, a business in you, a non-for-profit in you, a program in you, but you must trust Him and offer up a God-sized prayer. Unwavering faith is believing God for what He has shown you and asking Him for it, when you cannot see how it will come to pass.
As I started, Jesus is asking, “What do you want me to do for you?” Today, get in your secret place, sit and meditate, and allow God to speak to you the purposes He has for you. Once He does, get in God’s word and seal it with the word that is living, active, and powerful. The omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God is waiting on you to ask for something that ONLY HE CAN DELIVER! FAITH = BELIEF + CONFIDENCE + ACTION! Today, believe in God, have confidence in what God has said, because He cannot lie and HIs word is true, and finally, act. When you do all three, your faith can now move heaven to earth!