We are so excited to bring back our summer kick off! FCA is partnering with Graceland Church to kick off our summer with some amazing fun! There will be chick fil a, 9 square, gaga ball, basketball and archery tag! There will be student led worship and information about our upcoming FCA camps! Please sign up below so we will know how much food to prepare for the event.
Where: Graceland Church, New Albany
Who: All students entering Grades 6-12 in the 23/24 school year
When: Wednesday, May 10th from 5pm-8pm
Cost: FREE!!!
If you are under 18 and want to play archery tag, your parent MUST FILL THIS WAIVER OUT! Please print it out and bring it to the event.
Thank you for signing up for our Summer Kick Off! You will recieve text updates when we get closer to the event!